We are finishing the Scientific Method and parts of an experiment.
What is Science.ppt
What is Science.ppt
Homework included:
Identify the Controls and Variables.doc
Identify the Controls and Variables.doc
Homeroom materials were distributed to seniors.
A short quiz to determine preconceptions and misconceptions was administered.
The next topics will be lab safety, lab equipment, the SI system, and scientific notation.
A short quiz to determine preconceptions and misconceptions was administered.
The next topics will be lab safety, lab equipment, the SI system, and scientific notation.
The Astronomy syllabus can be found here:AY Syllabus Fall 2011.doc
We are codifying and wrapping up the material on the life cycles of stars. There will be a paper lab and a test, probably 2 or 3 May. This is the last test of the semester. We will briefly cover the concepts of galaxies and the origin of the universe before the Final Exam.
We are moving rapidly through the waves and light section of the GPS Standards. There may or may not be a test over this material on May 2 or 3. That will be determined tomorrow amongst the Physical Science teachers.
This is the last content section for the EOCT the second week of May.
This is the last content section for the EOCT the second week of May.
We are wrapping up our investigation into our star, the Sun, and we will begin extrapolating our knowledge about our star to stars in general.