MON: "Ignorance of the Law" book excerpt on laws regarding alcohol.
TUES: ADAP Sessions I & II laws regarding alcohol and driving
THUR: ADAP Session IV and review for exam
FRI: ADAP Test & Film on Drinking & Driving
MON: "Ignorance of the Law" book excerpt on laws regarding alcohol.
TUES: ADAP Sessions I & II laws regarding alcohol and driving
THUR: ADAP Session IV and review for exam
FRI: ADAP Test & Film on Drinking & Driving
MON: Discuss: Why teens smoke, make up of cigarettes, other types of tobacco, COPD, emphysema, lung cancer
TUES: dangers of smokeless tobacco & film
WED: Effects of smoke on non-smoker, effects of smoking on pregnancy, strategies for quitting
THUR: Test over Chapter 24 Smoking
MON: Discuss: Organic Mental Disorders, Functional Disorders, Phobias, Obsessvie compulsive, Panic disorder, Post Traumatic disorder, somataform disorders, clinical depression, bipolar, disorder....Film : Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
TUES: Discuss: Anti-social Personality Disorder, Passive-Agressive Disorder, Schizophrenia,Suicide warning signs, How to prevent suicide. FILM: Schizophrenia
WED: Discuss: Signs of mental health problems, pshychiatrist, psychoanaylisis, medical psychotherapy, neurologist, clinical psychologist, psychiatric social worker
THUR: Test Chapter 10
Lesson Quizes Chapter 24 Tobacco
FRI: Film on Cigarette damage