MON: Discuss: Syphillis, Trichomoniasis, Genital warts, Genital Heeorpes and other STD's
TUE: Slide show of various STD infections
Review for test
WED: Test on Chapter 29
THUR: Discuss HIV Infection
FRI: Video on HIV/AIDS
MON: Discuss: Syphillis, Trichomoniasis, Genital warts, Genital Heeorpes and other STD's
TUE: Slide show of various STD infections
Review for test
WED: Test on Chapter 29
THUR: Discuss HIV Infection
FRI: Video on HIV/AIDS
MON: Discuss: Menstral cycle, care of female reproductive sysytem, problems of the female reproductive sysytem.
TUE: Test Chapter 19 The reproductive systems
Worksheet Ch20
WED: Discuss outline: Ovum, sperm, zygote,blastocyst,embryo, fetus, pregnancy. problems in childbirth, birth defects
THUR: Video: "Miracle of Life"
Fri: Test Chapter 20 the Life Cycle
MON: Discuss Inhalants, designer drugs, thraputic communities, drug free school zones, drug watches: Review for Drug Test
TUE: Test over Drugs Chapter 26
WED: Male Reproductive System Discuss: internal organs, external organs, problems of male reproductive sysytem
THUR: Female reproductive system: Discuss: internal/external organs, menstrual cycle, problems of female reproductive system.
FRI: Test over reproductive systems. Chapter 19
MON: " World's Most Dangerous Drug" film and quiz
TUES: Discuss: Susbstance abuse, medical misuse,synthetic drugs,illicit drug use,gateway drugs, synergistic effect, tolerance, physiological dependence, withdrawal, overdose, physcological dependence, addiction
WED: Discuss: Stimulants, amphetamines, methamphetamines, depressants, narcotics, hallucinogens.
THUR: Discuss: Anabolic steroids, Cannabis, inhalants, designer drugs, theraputic communities, drug free school zones
FRI: Test over Chapter 26 - Drugs