x 09-10 General Health: September 2009 Archives

Class Activities for the Week of September 28th


MON: "Ignorance is No Defense" book readings and worksheet.

TUES: Lesson Quizes 74-75-76

WED: Discuss: How drinking alcohol is made, Why teens drink, factrors that lead to teen alcohol usage, BAC-designated drivers, fatty liver, cirrhosis, FAS

THUR: Discuss: short term effects of alcohol, DUI, DWI, BAC levels,long term effects of alcohol, tolerance/dependence, multiplier effect, alcoholism, detoxing.

FRI: Test Chapter 25 on alcohol, 

Class Activities for the Week of September 21


MON: Film on "Truth in Smoking" expose of tobacco industry. Quiz

TUES: Discuss: Wht teens smoke, make up of cigarettes, other types of tobacco, effects of smoking

WED: Discuss: Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco,effects of smoke on non-smoker, smoke effects on pregnancy, strategies for quitting.

THUR: Test Ch. 24 Smoking

           Read Chapter 25 and do vocabulary on Alcohol.

FRI: "Ignorance is No Defense" book and quiz

Class Activities for the Week of September 8


Tues:  Guest speaker on DUI.

Wed: Film: Anxiety disorders

Thur:  Discuss: phobias, obsessive compulsive, panic disorder, post traumatic disorder, hypochondria, clinical depression, bipolar disorder.

Fri: Discuss: Personality disorders, schizophrenia

Class Activities for the Week of Aug 31


MON: Discuss: effects of stress on the body

TUE: Discuss: Stress Management. Have students write a short essay on how they deal with stress managemment in their lives.

WED: Discuss: Stages of Grief, How to help a grieving person.

         Review for Test.

THUR: Test Chapter 9

           Read Chapter 10 and do Recalling facts at end of the chapter.

FRI: Film: Mental disorders.


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This page is a archive of entries in the x 09-10 General Health category from September 2009.

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