Scott Carmichael: January 2009 Archives

Class Activities for Week of Jan. 26th


Mon:   Test Chapter 9

           Read Chapter 10 and answer "Using Health Terms" & " Recalling the Facts" p. 254

Tues:   Film and quiz over "Multiple Personalities"

Wed:   Film and quiz on "Schizophrenia"

Thur:   Discussion on:  Mental Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive

                                  Panic Disorder, Post Traumatic Disorder, Somatoform Disorders,

                                   Affective Disorders

Fri:   Discussion on:  Personality disorders: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Passive

                                  Agressive Disorder, Schizophrenia

Class Activities for Week of January 19


Mon: No school MLK Day

Tues:  Turn in Lesson Quiz 29-30 over Chapter 9.

           Fill in outline over class discussion on:

                 1. Types of Stress   2.  Kinds of Stressors   3.  Bodies response to Stress

                 4. Stress' effect on the brain    5.  Personality Types

Wed:  Take Stress Prone Personality Inventory

           Fill in outline over class discussion on:

                 1. Other effects of stress   2.  Signs of stress   3.  Stress Management

Thur:  Fill in oUtline over class discussion on:

                 1.  Types of loss    2.  Stages of grief    3.  Closure   4.  How to help

                  someone who is grieving

Fri: Take "Personality Tests" to determine their personality types and discuss different types and charectoristics of each. 

Assignments/Topics Week of Jan. 12, 2009


1. Read Chapter 8 "What is Mental Health" pp. 186-207  (Monday)

2. Answer REVIEWING HEALTH TERMS p.210  #1-13    (Monday)

3. Lesson Quiz# 25-26 over Lessons 1-2   (Tues)

4. Fill out Ch.8 Outline over class discussions  (Tues-Wed)

5. Exam Ch. 8 (Thursday)

6. Turn in SELF NEWSLETTER project (Friday)

7. Read Ch.9 "Managing Stress" pp. 214-231 (Friday)

Health Syllabus



HEALTH- Course Syllabus                                                                     

Coach Carmichael                                                                                                     

CarmichaelS@Fulton.K12.GA.US                                                                                       2008-2009


Health is a required class for ninth grade students in the Fulton County school system.  The course offers a realistic and in-depth approach to the wellness concept, specifically covering alternatives to mental, emotional, and social health problems.  It is designed to encourage students to feel responsible for making their health decisions and to effect realization that decisions made now will affect wellness for their lifetime.


The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program (ADAP) which will be taught as a unit within this course will satisfy the requirements of the Georgia law that states "after January 1, 1985, no drivers license shall be issued to anyone under the age of 18 unless they present a certificate from this alcohol and drug awareness program."


Format: This class will be taught using lecture, class discussion, and worksheets.  Notes will be given each day with discussion or input of class members emphasized.


Requirements:  Students will be required to keep the student handbook.  Article Summaries will be due every week over health related topics.  It is also a requirement in this class that students participate orally. Students will be required to read Tuesdays with Morrie.


Grading System:  Exams: 60%      Daily Assignments:  25 %       Final Exam:  15 %



(High School version)

            Provision for Improving Grades

Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

Students should contact the teacher concerning recovery opportunities.  Teachers are expected to establish a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester.  All recovery work must be directly related to course objectives and must be completed ten school days prior to the end of the semester.

2.   Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.



Recovery is available to students with a cumulative grade below 74% after a minimum of two (2) major grades.  The maximum grade a student can earn for a recovery activity is 70%.  There will be only one recovery opportunity per failed major assignment or test.  The individual teacher will determine the means of recovery.  THE STUDENT MUST INITIATE THE PROCESS WITHING FIVE (5) DAYS OF NOTIFICATION OF A FAILING GRADE ON A MAJOR ASSIGNMENT/TEST.



Book Cost: $51.99



Course Calendar


Week 1- Orientation and Chapter 1


Week 2,3- Mental Health


Week 4,5,6- Drug Education - Tuesdays with Morrie, ADAP


Week7, 8, 9- Mental Health - Tuesdays with Morrie


Week 10,11,12,13- Sex Education -Tuesdays with Morrie


Week 14,15,16- First aid/CPR (certification in CPR)


Week 17- Review


Week 18- REVIEW-Comprehensive Final Exam




Please be advised that you can monitor your child's progress in my class via ParentCONNECT. 

Students are financially responsible for all books issued by CHS. Textbooks may not be left in classrooms and teachers are not responsible for the whereabouts of your book. The copy which was issued must be turned in at the end of the course.  You will not receive credit for turning in another student's book and may not turn in replacement books.  The cost of replacement will be assessed to any student that fails to turn in the book they were issued or turns in a damaged book. 








About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by Scott Carmichael in January 2009.

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Scott Carmichael: February 2009 is the next archive.

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