We discussed solubility and the relationships between saturated, supersaturated, and unsaturated solutions.
Physical Science: September 2009 Archives
We discerned the differences between Elements and Compounds. We focused on symbols and formulas, and the students were alerted to a possible quiz on Element Symbols later in the week.
We finished our exploration of material sciences by contrasting Physical and Chemical changes.
Classes were cancelled on 9/22
Students took a quiz on the phases of matter and the phase changes based on a substance's melting and boiling points.
Afterwards, we finished discussing the Matter Tree and began focusing on the elements of the Periodic Table.
We continued to explore the Matter Tree, and the differences between elements, compounds, and mixtures.
There will be a quiz tomorrow on the Phases of matter.
Students attempted their first major test. Combined with last week's Performance Assessment, their grades should be updated by Wednesday of next week.
We continued to practice our Dimensional Analysis skills. We began the first Performance Assessment, a laboratory evaluation that counts as a test.
The file:
M&M Lab.doc
The file:
M&M Lab.doc
Students who were absent to-day will use the data from another group to complete the PA.