Korean 2: September 2010 Archives

Sep. 20-24


Chapter 2. 어느 계절이 좋아요? (Textbook p58-77)

Weekly objectives:

1.Identify seasons, days of week, months

2. Expressions of weather - hot, cold, cool, windy, snowy, cloudy and so on

3. Talk about activities people can do in different seasons


Grammar Points

1. Emphasizing time or place: ~에(서)는/~에(서)도


Cultural activity

1. Celebrate 'Chuseok', Korean Thanksgiving Day - 9/22 (8/15 in Lunar calendar)



Workbook 17-20


Oral Assessment/Quiz

Conversation 2-3

New vabulary quiz

Sep. 13-17


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II (p48-55)

Conversation 1-3 어느 학교에서 왔어요?

1. Expressions about introduce at the new school

2. Asking club activities in the high school such as sports team

3. Learn new expression: 뭐 할거예요? (future sentence)



1. verb stem + ~ㄹ 거예요: =is going to (future sentence)

2. 어디~, 언제~, 어느~ : where, when and what or which



Workbook p12



Chapter 1 & Conversation 1-3

Sep. 7-10


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 1-2. 수업 끝나고 해요?

     Counting classifier: Pure Korean/Sino-Korean numbers

-    Lean past tense: N + ~이었어요/였어요 = was/were           

        Past tense: N + ~ 아니었어요 = was not/ weren't

-    Conjoining particle: ~ = and

   As a conjunctive particle that combines two sentences, ~ is attached to the verb stem of the first sentence replacing 그리고.


Workbook p. 9-12


Quiz - Hangeul, the Korean alphabet

Oral assessment - Conversation 1-1, 1-2 

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This page is a archive of entries in the Korean 2 category from September 2010.

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