Lynda Kim: August 2011 Archives

Basic Pronunciation Rules


Basic Pronunciation Rules




1. Syllabus

2. GPS Standard

3. Class rules/expectations

4. Introduction sheet - Share information about you with your classmates:

    Name, School, Grade, Favorite color, pet, sport(s), hobbies and summer experience

5. Foundation for pronunciation rules

   1) Syllable-final consonant (받침)

   2) Glotallization - ㄲ,ㄸ,ㅃ,ㅆ,ㅉ (성문폐쇄음)

   3) Nasalization - ㅇ, ㄴ, ㅁ

   4) Lateralizaiton - ㄴ, ㄹ

    Please see PPT for reference.



1. How many letters can be made by vowels (19) and consonants(21)?

GPS Modern Language Level III


Korean 3H Syllabus


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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Lynda Kim in August 2011.

Lynda Kim: May 2011 is the previous archive.

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