We completed an activity where the students rolled a die to predict the type of radiation a particular element underwent. While in nature radioactive metals usually follow a proscribed method of nuclear decay, this allowed the students to calculate the differences in mass and atomic number from alpha and beta radioactive decay.
Haley Lindley correctly expounded on the erroneous statement from Sting, and we then explored radioactive decay systems and introduced the concept of radioisotopic half-life.
The students took a not-so-surprise quiz over wave parts and phenomena. We then discussed the many facets of being a good student.
Homework was reviewed and their Spectroscopy labs were answered. A brief introduction of Bohr-model mechanics followed.
Students compared chemical changes and nuclear changes and the parts of the atom involved with each type of reaction.
Today we began correlating the relationship between quanta of energy and the arrangement of electrons around the nuclei of various atoms.