Chapter 2. 어느 계절이 좋아요?
Dynamic Korean II p58-81
3rd week - Closing
1. Review keys expressions:
- Talk about favorite season, describe weather conditions in each seasons
- Speak months, dates and days of the week by using an appropriate number system
- Differentiate lunar and solar calendar
- Use frequency adverbs in the conversation
- Ask favorite sports, seasons and why
2. Grammar
- Emphasizing time and place: ~에서는, ~에는
- Purpose of going or coming: ~으러 가다/오다
- Frequency adverbs: 항상, 자주, 매일, 얼마나 자주
3. Understand holiday customes: 한글날, 추석
4. Cultural presentation: Day 5 of 3rd week
- Buddism in Korea
- Hanguel, the world's most outstanding invention
- IT in Korea
WB 23-25
Classroom project
Reflections on Korean music