Korean II - Dynamic Korean II
Chapter 2. - 어느 계절이 좋아요? (p62-68)
1. Reinforce the expression related to 'days of the week', 'month and date' and time:
- from January to December, Monday through Friday and past,present, future
2. Learn new descriptions about seasons and weather:
- features of each season, warm, hot, cool, cold, windy, cloudy and so on
3. Emphasizing time or place:
- add ~는 or ~에는 at the end of each topic marker such as;
교실에는 학생이 많아요, 겨울에는 비가 와요.
4. Verb stem + ~으러/러 가다(오다):
- purpose of going(coming); 사다-사러 가다, 보다-보러 가다, 공부하다-공부하러 가다
WB - 17-20
Quiz - Vocab
Oral Assessment - Conversation 2-1 (p62)