Nov.29-30, Dec.1-3


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 4. 겨울방학에 뭐 하고 싶어요?

3rd week - Closing


1. Reinforce expressions we learned in this chapter:

- ~고 싶어요, ~고 싶어해요

   가방을 사고 싶어요 - I want to buy a bag.

   축구를 배우고 싶어요 - I want to learn how to play soccer.

   민지는 수영을 하고 싶어해요 - Minji wants to learn how to swim.

   크리스는 아이스크림을 머고 싶어해요. - Chris wants to eat ice cream.


2. 께, 께서 and ~으실 거예요/ 실 거예요

- 선생님께서 책을 읽으실 거예요. - The teacher is going to read a book.

- 할머니께서 주무세요. - Grandmother is going to sleep.

- 부모님께 이메일을 써요. - Write an e-mail to my parents.


3. Progressive Verb Ending: ~고 있어요. (am/are/is ~ing)

~고 있어요 is attached to any verb stem and is used to show that an action is ongoing at the moment.  It cannot be preceded by an adjective.

- 아침을 먹고 있어요. - I am eating breakfast.

- 집에 가고 있어요. - I am on my way home.

- 지금 숙제하고 있어요. - He is doing homework.

- 동생이 방에서 뭐 해요? What is your brother doing in the room?

  방에서 자고 있어요. He is sleeping in the room.


4. Activity with partner

- Interview your friend! (Name of college, name of major, name of occupation that you want to be after graduate high school.

 Q1 어느 대학에 가고 싶어요?   Q2 무슨 공부를 하고 싶어요? Q3 뭐가 되고 싶어요?

- Family tree

Create your own family tree by using the titles we learned



WB p 46-47

Textbook p115, 116, 121 (Writing/Speaking section)

Oral Assessment

Conversation 4-1,4-2,4-3

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on December 8, 2010 4:52 PM.

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