Korean II - Dynamic Korean II
Chapter 8. 어떤 사람이 좋아요? (p204-)
Introduction & Developing stage
1. Objectives
1) Ask what type of person they like and don't like
2) Describe characteristics of people and things
3) Describe their favorite celebrities and role models
2. Grammar Points
1) 어떤/무슨: what, what kind of~
2) verb stem + ~은/ㄴ= noun modifier
3) verb stem + ~는 = noun modifier
3. Idoms in action
1) 눈이 높다 = to be picky
2) 눈이 낮다 = to be easy to please
3) 마음이 넓다 = to be broad-minded
4. New vocab quiz
5. WB - p80-84