3월21일-25일(March 21-25)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Closing stage


1. Conversation 9-2

   - practice more noun modifiers in the conversation:

      그리다-그리는, 놀다-노는, 울다-우는, 하다-하는

   - asking hobbies and activities during leisure time

     Q: 취미가 뭐예요?, 주로 뭘 그려요?

     A: 그림 그리는 걸 좋아해요.  공원에서 아이들 노는 모습을 그려요.

         농구하는 거 좋아해요.

    - work on new vocabs in the conversation: 주로, 모습, 다음에, 웃는

    - practive 'ㄹ' irregular verbs: will work on verb variation table

      놀다, 알다, 만들다, 살다, 열다, 울다, 팔다 (see attachment)


2. Conversation 9-3

     - more expressions about activities during weekend or free time by using 좋아해요

        (=like to do) or 싶어요(=want to).

       극장에 가고 싶어요, 영화 보는 걸 좋아해요, 비디오 게임하는 걸 좋아해요. 

        영화 보고 싶어요.

      - new vocabs: 늦다, PC방, 액션 영화, 근처

      - will work on comprehension questions on p 239


3. Cultural lesson (p242)

   - Read and translate

   - Answer the comprehension questions


4. Assignment

   Textbook (p240-241), WB (p99-101)

5. Quiz for the chapter




About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on May 11, 2011 8:58 AM.

3월14일-18일 (March 14th-18th) was the previous entry in this blog.

9과 'ㄹ' irregular verbs is the next entry in this blog.

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