4월18일-22일 (Apr. 18-22)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 10. 거기 피자 가게죠?

Developing stage


1. Key expressions for telephone coversation (p248)

   - 샌디 좀 바꿔 주세요: Can I talk to Sandy?

   - 제니 집이죠? : Is this Jenny's house?

   - 잠깐만 기다리세요.: Hold on a minute.

   - 메세지를 남겨 주세요.: Please leave a message.

   - 나중에 다시 전화할게요.: I will call later.


2. Grammar

  1) Future Tense Verb Ending: ~을게요/ㄹ게요 = will

      a) consonant ending: ~을게요

           먹다-먹을게요,  만들다-만들게요,  입다-입을게요

           놀다 - 놀게요,  받다-받을게요,  살다-살게요

      b) vowel ending: ㄹ게요

            사다-살게요,  오다 - 올게요, 가다-갈게요,   쉬다-쉴게요

      c) exception: 'ㄹ' irregular verb


     *see practice sheet attached

   2) Clausal Connective: Verb stem + ~는데 = but

                                     Adjective + ~은데 = but

        먹다-먹는데, 가다-가는데, 자다-자는데, 하다-하는데

        예쁘다-예쁜데,  재미있다-재미있는데, 맛있다-맛있는데


3. Conversation 10-1  

4. Textbook 259, 262-263 WB 108-112




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This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on May 21, 2011 8:09 PM.

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