5월9-13 (May 9-13)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 11. 모닝사이드로 어떻게 가요?

Developing stage


1.Key expression: 한테, 한테서 (to, from)

     - 한테서 (=에게서) : from

      친구한테서 선물을 받았어요 = I received a goft from my friend.

      누구한테서 = From whom,  할아버지 한테서 = from grandfather

    - 한테 (=에게) : to

       친구한테 선물을 주었어요. = I gave a present to my friend.

       누구한테 전화를 했어요. = To whom did you make a phone call?

     Textbook p277  WB 120


2.  Grammar

    1) Clausal Connective: ~으면/면 = if, then, when

       a) consonant ending: ~으면

            읽다-읽으면, 살다-살으면, 먹다-먹으면

       b) vowel ending: ~면

          가다-가면, 오다-오면, 마시다-마시면, 서다-서면, 자다-자면

          공부하다-공부하면, 피곤하다-피곤하면, 전화하다-전화하면

         textbook 280-281  WB 121


3. Work on video clips to practice formal ending, 습니다/ㅂ니다

     - news show, documentary and talk show


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This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on May 22, 2011 7:55 PM.

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