Nov. 15-19, 11월15일-19일


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 4. 겨울방학에 뭐 하고 싶어요?

2nd week - Developing stage


1. Utlize the expressions of ~고 싶어요, ~고 싶어해요 in the conversation given in the textbook and can answer(affirmative or negative) the simple questions such as:

- 스키 타고 싶어요? 네....... 아니오.....

- 샐리가 극장에 가고 싶어해요?  네....... 아니오......

- 앤디가 영화를 보고 싶어해요? 네.....아니오......

2. Learn more honorific expression in addition to verb variation (regular & irregular forms)

- 읽다 - 읽어요-읽으세요, 가다-가요-가세요, 하다-해요-하세요

- 읽다-읽으실거예요. 가다-가실거예요 (future tense)

3. Honorific particle: 께, 께서, 께서는

4. Progressive verb ending: ~고 있다

- 가다-가고 있다, 자다-자고 있다, 먹다-먹고 있다, 사다-사고 있다

Please see attachment for more practice these expressions.






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This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on December 8, 2010 9:22 AM.

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