Nov.8-12, 11월 8일-12일


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 4. 겨울 방학에 뭐 하고 싶어요?

1st week - Introduction stage

1. Objectives

- Talk about what they like to do and what their friends like to do

- Talk about what they are doing right now

- Address familymembers and relatives with correct titles(names)

- Understand cultural relatins among family members


2. Grammar points

- ~고 싶다: to want to... (1st & 2nd person)

-~고 싶어 하다: to want to...(3rd person)

- ~으실 거예요/실 거예요: is planning to, is going to (Future tense honorific verb ending)

-~고 있다: am/are/ (progressive verb ending) 


3. New vocabulary

- family title (motherside, fatherside, male & female)



WB 37-38

New vocab quiz

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on December 7, 2010 10:01 AM.

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Nov. 15-19, 11월15일-19일 is the next entry in this blog.

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