1월5일-7일 January 5-7


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

1. Announce new weekly project for oral assessemnt for the 2nd semester

2. Watch video clip for quick review of 1st semester

    - Catch words and expressions we have learned in the 1st semester

    - Get familiarized some commonly encountered situations: meeting new people, placing

       orders in the restaurant, describing flavors, weather and feelings, etc..

3. Introduce new vocab in Chapter 6 (p175)

4. Key expressions (p162)

    1) ~아/어 보다: to try doing something

        앉다 = 앉아 보다   입다 = 입어 보다    신다 = 신어 보다

        쓰다 = 써 보다      벗어 = 벗어 보다   하다 = 해 보다



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on January 5, 2011 11:44 AM.

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