1월18일-21일 (Jan.18th-21st)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II (p158-165)

Introduction & Developing stage

1. Objectives

1) Use different 'wear' verbs' depending on the clothing and accessory items

2) Ask someone to try doing something new

3) Use the negative expression, 'nothing but'

4) Express exclamation


2. Grammar points

1) ~아/어 보다 : to try doing something

2) N + ~밖에 + (Negative ending) = only, nothing but

    20불 밖에 없어요 (I have only 20 dollars.)

    강아지가 한 마리 밖에 없어요 (I have only one puppy.)

    두 개 밖에 못 샀어요 (I only bought two.)


3) Verb/Adjective stem + ~네요

    가다 - 가네요!         오다 - 오네요!         먹다 - 먹네요!

    크다 - 크네요!         작다 - 작네요!         하다 - 하네요!


3. New expressions

1) 이 모자 어때요?  (How do I look with this hat?)

2) 한번 입어봐요. (Try this on.)

3) 잘 어울려요. (It loooks good on you)

4) 초컬릿 밖에 못 샀어요. (I bought nothing but chocolate.)


4. Assignment & quiz

1) new vocab quiz

2) WB p58-65


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Lynda Kim published on January 28, 2011 9:57 AM.

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