Korean II - Dynamic Korean 2
Chapter 6. 이 모자 어때요?
Closing - 3rd week
1. Practice conversation 6-1 titled '한번 신어 봐요=Try this shoes on'
- Review counting unit
- Practice different expressionㄴ using 'wear' verbs
Clothing -입다, 입어요 : 자켓, 잠옷, 운동복, 코트, 수영복, 조끼, 원피스
Shoes - 부츠, 샌들, 슬리퍼, 운동화, 양말, 구두, 스타킹
쓰다, 써요 - 모자(hat & cap), 왕관(crown), 선글라스, 안경
끼다, 껴요 - 장갑, 반지, 단추(button)
하다, 해요 - 목걸이,귀걸이, 넥타이, 벨트, 목도리
- Act out conversation 6-2
Practice 밖에 + negative ending (=~nothing but, only)
- Practice ~네요 (soft exclamation)
Create shopping situation w/partner to present in the class
2. HW
Workbook 61-67
3. Test/Quiz
1) Oral assessment for 3 conversation
2) Weekly mission
3) quiz for wear verbs and grammar