Lynda Kim: October 2010 Archives

Oct. 25-29, 10월25일-29일


Korean Ii - Dynamic Korean II

2nd week - Developing stage

1. Objectives:

    - Comparative: B가 A보다 더 ~하다 = B is more ~ than A

    - Superlative: 가장/제일

    - 이나/나: or

     - Basic sentence order: N + ~이요/요

     - Practive conversation 3-1 and 3-2 for restaurant scene.

     - Create simple sentences using 6 different flavor

     - Create longer sentences using ~고 for more than one flavor

     - Negation 안: 안 + verb or predicate = negative expression

     - Cultural presentation: Kayageum performance

     - Utilize 드세요/주세요 for ordering foods



WB 27- 32

Quiz/Oral assessment

1. Verb variation & Negation

2. Conversation 3-1

Oct. 18-22, 10월18일-22일


Korean II - Dynamic Korean (p84-103)

Chapter 3. 뭐가 제일 맛있어요?

1st week - Introduction stage

1. Objectives:

   - Talk about what people like more and the most

   - Ask someone's opinion about an item/matter

   - Talk about different tastes of food

   - Explain things in negation

   - Answer yes/no to a negative question

   - Gain cultural perspectives about Korean food

   - Introduce new words for flavor, popular stew and typical food for school

   - Work on verb variation chart



Workbook 27-28





Chapter 3. Comparative


Oct 11-15, 10월11일-15일


Chapter 2. 어느 계절이 좋아요?

Dynamic Korean II p58-81

3rd week - Closing


1. Review keys expressions:

   - Talk about favorite season, describe weather conditions in each seasons

   - Speak months, dates and days of the week by using an appropriate number system

   - Differentiate lunar and solar calendar

   - Use frequency adverbs in the conversation

   - Ask favorite sports, seasons and why

2. Grammar

  - Emphasizing time and place: ~에서는, ~에는

  - Purpose of going or coming: ~으러 가다/오다

  - Frequency adverbs: 항상, 자주, 매일, 얼마나 자주

3. Understand holiday customes: 한글날, 추석

4. Cultural presentation: Day 5 of 3rd week

    - Buddism in Korea

    - Hanguel, the world's most outstanding invention

    - IT in Korea



WB 23-25

Classroom project

Reflections on Korean music

Oct.4-8, 10월4일-8일


Chapter 2. 어느 계절이 좋아요?

2nd week - Development Stage

Dynamic Korean II - p58-81


1. Work on Conversation 2-1, 2-2, 2-3 with partners

    - Can speak favorite season, describe weather in each season

    - Use frequency words such 얼마나 자주, 보통, 가끔,

    - Can distinguish 음력 and 양력 (lunar and solar) when they say about days, dates and


2. Writing/Reading calendar

    - Make your own calendar activity(p72)

    - Read calendar with schedules (#10 in p72)

3. Practice new vocabulary (p77)

   - Months, Days, Dates using sino-Korean numbers and Native Korean numbers

   - Holidays such as Hanguel Day, Chuseok


4. Grammar

    - Frequency adverbs: 얼마나 자주 (in questions), 항상, 매일, 자주, 가끔



WK 17-23


Oral Test - 3 Conversations, new vocab test for months, days and dates



Sep. 27-Oct.1


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 2. - 어느 계절이 좋아요? (p62-68)


1. Reinforce the expression related to 'days of the week', 'month and date' and time:

    - from January to December, Monday through Friday and past,present, future

2. Learn new descriptions about seasons and weather:

    - features of each season, warm, hot, cool, cold, windy, cloudy and so on

3. Emphasizing time or place:

   - add ~는 or ~에는 at the end of each topic marker such as;

             교실에는 학생이 많아요, 겨울에는 비가 와요.

4. Verb stem + ~으러/러 가다(오다):

    - purpose of going(coming); 사다-사러 가다, 보다-보러 가다, 공부하다-공부하러 가다



WB - 17-20

Quiz - Vocab

Oral Assessment - Conversation 2-1 (p62)





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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Lynda Kim in October 2010.

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