Lynda Kim: February 2011 Archives

7과. ~지 마세요 (prohibition)


2월14일-18일(Feb. 14th-18th)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 8. 어떤 사람이 좋아요? (p204-)

Introduction & Developing stage


1. Objectives

1) Ask what type of person they like and don't like

2) Describe characteristics of people and things

3) Describe their favorite celebrities and role models


2. Grammar Points

1) 어떤/무슨: what, what kind of~

2) verb stem + ~은/ㄴ= noun modifier

3) verb stem + ~는 = noun modifier 


3. Idoms in action

1) 눈이 높다 = to be picky

2) 눈이 낮다 = to be easy to please

3) 마음이 넓다 = to be broad-minded


4. New vocab quiz

5. WB - p80-84




Korean II - Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 7. 양호실에 가도 돼요?



1. 3 different situations to practice; Permission, Prohibition and Have to/Should expression

1) 어디가 아파요? (p182, 184,185) : verb stem + 아도/어도 돼요 (permission)

  ㄱ) 양호실에 가도 돼요? - Can I go to restroom?

  ㄴ) 교실에 들어가도 돼요? - Can I come in to classroom?

  ㄷ) 피자를 먹어도 돼요? - Can I eat pizza?

  ㄹ) 이 옷을 입어도 돼요? - Can I try to this dress on?


 2) 목이 많이 아파요. (p186): verb stem + ~지 마세요. (prohibition)

  ㄱ) 밖에 비가 오니 나가지 마세요. (It is raining. Do not go outside.) - p188-189

  ㄴ) 수업시간에 전화하지 마세요. (Do not call during a class time)

  ㄷ) 감기에 걸렸어요. 학교에 가지 마세요. (I caught a cold.  Do not go to school)


3). 해야돼요 (=should/have to/must) : verb stem + 아야/어야 돼요(해요) (have to/must)

 ㄱ) 공부해야 돼요 = You have to study.

  ㄴ) 숙제해야 돼요 = You have to do homework.


2. HW/Class work

1) Drawing monster with each body part's name (p181)

2) textbook p184-185, 188-189)

3) WB - p70, 72,73,74,


3. Quiz/test

 1) Grammar quiz

 2) Weekly mission




6과 단어 공부하기


6과 새 단어




Korean II-Dynamic Korean II

Chapter 7 - 양호실에 가도 돼요?

Introduction & Developing stage

1. Objectives

-Talk about body parts

-Talk about where it hurts and describe symptoms

-Talk about what one should or must do

-Ask and give permission

-Talk about what one should not or must not do


2. Grammar points

- Permission: ~아도/어도 돼요(?) = May I....?/ You may

- Prohibition: ~지 마세요 = please don't

- Obligation: ~아야/어야 돼요(해요) = should/have to/must


3. Learn new vocabulary about body parts

- 머리(head), 다리(leg), 손(hands), 무릎(knee), 허리(waist), 눈(eyes), 눈썹(eye brow)

   속눈썹(eye lash), 얼굴(face), 코(nose), 입(mouth), 귀(ear)


4. Cultural activity

- Lunar new year celebration (2/3)

- New year bow (2/3)


5. HW

Workbook 68-70

6. Quiz

- new vocabulary

1월24일-28일 (Jan.24-28)


Korean II - Dynamic Korean 2

Chapter 6. 이 모자 어때요?

Closing - 3rd week

1. Practice conversation 6-1 titled '한번 신어 봐요=Try this shoes on'

- Review counting unit

- Practice different expressionㄴ using 'wear' verbs

    Clothing -입다, 입어요 : 자켓, 잠옷, 운동복, 코트, 수영복, 조끼, 원피스

    Shoes - 부츠, 샌들, 슬리퍼, 운동화, 양말, 구두, 스타킹

    쓰다, 써요 - 모자(hat & cap), 왕관(crown), 선글라스, 안경

     끼다, 껴요 - 장갑, 반지, 단추(button)

     하다, 해요 - 목걸이,귀걸이, 넥타이, 벨트, 목도리

- Act out conversation 6-2

   Practice 밖에 + negative ending (=~nothing but, only)

- Practice ~네요 (soft exclamation)

  Create shopping situation w/partner to present in the class


2. HW

Workbook 61-67

3. Test/Quiz

  1) Oral assessment for 3 conversation

  2) Weekly mission

  3) quiz for wear verbs and grammar


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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Lynda Kim in February 2011.

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