November 29th - December 3rd

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Monday:  Working on the following - Research a photographer of your choice and complete a series of 20 pictures in his/her style. Turn in a contact sheet and your best 2 sized 5x7. Be sure to include a short bio (1 page) of the artist you chose, an example of his/her work and your reflection of why you chose them and how their work influenced yours. Use a digital camera or a throw away camera.

Tuesday:  Group A is in darkroom working on Abstraction assignment - you have only 3 days to complete this.

Groups B, C, and D are working on the assignment above.

Wednesday: Group A is in darkroom working on Abstraction assignment - you have only 3 days to complete this.

Groups B, C, and D are working on the assignment above.

Thursday: Group A is in darkroom working on Abstraction assignment - you have only 3 days to complete this.

Groups B, C, and D are working on the assignment above.

Friday: Group B is in darkroom working on Abstraction assignment - you have only 3 days to complete this.

Groups A, C, and D are working on the assignment above.


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This page contains a single entry by Lauren Powell published on November 29, 2010 1:10 PM.

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