January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question:  How can you emphasize Line and Texture in a pinhole image?

Monday- Wednesday working on the following: Three 2page spreads:
#1: Texture: find at least 2 images that emphasize texture, reflect on how it was done and how you would take an image that emphasizes texture -- what would it be of and how would you be sure to push the idea of texture?
 # 2: Line : find at least 2 images that emphasize line, reflect on how it was done and how you would take an image that emphasizes line -- what would it be of and how would you be sure to push the idea of line?
#3: Photographer: choose an photographer that you like -- print out at least 2 images reflect on what you like and why you chose them.
Thursday: Group 2 in darkroom: demo on how to work in the darkroom and how to create a photogram
Friday:  Group 2 in darkroom - all other groups working in sketchbooks

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This page contains a single entry by Lauren Powell published on January 28, 2011 9:52 PM.

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