AP 3D-Design Portfolio: August 2011 Archives

August 29th - September 2nd

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Essential Question: How can you create an item of fashion out of an everyday material not normally used in fashion?

Monday: Finishing Assemblages

Tuesday: Critique

Wednesday: Introduce new assignment - view power point on artists and example related to fashion

Thursday: Sketchbook - research on ideas

Friday: Sketchbook - research on ideas

August 16th - 19th

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Essential Question: What is Assemblage and how can you make it personal to you?


Monday: Syllabus and Expectations

Tuesday: Art Rahrah in Auditorium

Wednesday: Fully planned Assemblage Assignment due today

Thursday:  Meetings and Critique of Ideas - Due today

Friday: Begin Assemblage

Welcome Back!!

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Hope everyone had a great summer!! 

On Monday,8/15, we will be going over the syllabus and classroom expectations. We will also discuss the upcoming semester and what students can expect.



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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the AP 3D-Design Portfolio category from August 2011.

AP 3D-Design Portfolio: April 2010 is the previous archive.

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