x 08-09 Jewelry Making Seminar: February 2009 Archives

Permanent Marker Tie Dye Directions

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Using the techniques learned in the last Tie Dye seminar session, create your own tie dyed item of clothing/fabric.  (You will need to use white or very light colored 100% cotton fabric) You are going to try out another technique, similar to the one we did, called permanent marker tie dye.  You will do it in the same way as what we did in class with the baby wipes - use rubber bands to create design, color exposed areas with permanent marker - remove rubber bands, spray/mist with rubbing alcohol and let sit for 20 minutes (be careful, where ever you lay your piece of clothing/fabric, the marker may bleed through to what is under it so be sure to lay something under it that you can get messy, or do it outside.) You will notice the rubbing alcohol is what helps the colors bleed together)  Once it has dried, you can either iron it or dry it on high heat - this will help set the color into the fabric.  Bring your finished product to the next seminar meeting (week of March 2-6).

February 2009: Monthly Archives

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This page is a archive of entries in the x 08-09 Jewelry Making Seminar category from February 2009.

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