Lauren Powell: January 2011 Archives

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question: How can you create an original assemblage?

Monday - Friday:  Working on three dimensional assemblage

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question: How can you create an original sculpture out of a simple material like paper?

Monday:  Working on paper sculptures
Tuesday: working on paper sculptures
Wednesday: working on paper sculptures
Thursday: working on paper sculptures and planning assemblage
Friday: working on paper sculptures and planning assemblage

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question:  How can you emphasize Line and Texture in a pinhole image?

Monday- Wednesday working on the following: Three 2page spreads:
#1: Texture: find at least 2 images that emphasize texture, reflect on how it was done and how you would take an image that emphasizes texture -- what would it be of and how would you be sure to push the idea of texture?
 # 2: Line : find at least 2 images that emphasize line, reflect on how it was done and how you would take an image that emphasizes line -- what would it be of and how would you be sure to push the idea of line?
#3: Photographer: choose an photographer that you like -- print out at least 2 images reflect on what you like and why you chose them.
Thursday: Group 2 in darkroom: demo on how to work in the darkroom and how to create a photogram
Friday:  Group 2 in darkroom - all other groups working in sketchbooks

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question:  How can you make Jewelry out of non-metal materials like paper?

Monday:  Finish making bead loom - also working on paper bead 2 piece set
Tuesday: Finish making bead loom - also working on paper bead 2 piece set
Wednesday:  working on paper bead 2 piece set
Thursday:  working on paper bead 2 piece set
Friday:  working on paper bead 2 piece set - due today

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question: How can you make an original work that incorporates contour line, pattern and graffiti influence?

Monday: Working on Sketchbook page "what is art" and thumbnail sketches of first major assignment:  Contour line hands with pattern and graffiti influence
Tuesday:Working on Sketchbook page "what is art" and thumbnail sketches of first major assignment:  Contour line hands with pattern and graffiti influence
Wednesday: Working on Sketchbook page "what is art" and thumbnail sketches of first major assignment:  Contour line hands with pattern and graffiti influence - due today along with patterns page and practice contour line drawing
Thursday: Begin first major assignment -- contour line with pattern and graffiti influence
Friday: first major assignment -- contour line with pattern and graffiti influence

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question:  How can you produce original Ceramic work that shows your personal voice and style?

Monday:  Working on second assignment (due in kilnroom on Feb 9th) and planning surface treatment (plans due today for surface treatment)

Tuesday: Working on plans for second assignment

Wednesday: Working on plans for second assignment

Thursday - Working on plans for second assignment - due today

Friday: working second assignment

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question:  How can you produce your own original 3D assemblage sculpture?

Monday:  Begin working on assemblage sculpture- constructing the armature
Tuesday: Working on assemblage sculpture - Finishing the armature
Wednesday: Working on assemblage sculpture
Thursday: Working on assemblage sculpture
Friday: Working on assemblage sculpture

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question: What is an Assemblage sculpture?

Monday: Sketchbooks due today - View powerpoint on Assemblage sculpture - discussion on new assignment
Tuesday:  Working in sketchbooks on plans for new assignment - HW:  collect found objects for assemblage sculpture
Wednesday:  Begin sculpture
Thursday:  Working on assemblage sculpture
Friday:  Working on assemblage sculpture

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question:  How do you make a photogram?  How do you properly use a darkroom?  How do you build a pinhole camera?

Monday:  Breaking up into photo groups - Demo on making pinhole camera - Begin constructing camera - HW for group 1 - bring objects for photograms in for tomorrow
Tuesday: Group 1 in darkroom - all other groups constructing cameras
Wednesday:  Group 1 in darkroom - all other groups constructing cameras
Thursday: Group 1 in darkroom - all other groups constructing cameras
Friday:  Group 2 in darkroom - all other groups constructing cameras

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question:  How can you make Jewelry out of non-metal materials like paper?

Monday:  Working on paper beads
Tuesday: Working on paper beads
Wednesday:  Demo on making bead looms for bead weaving
Thursday:  Working on paper beads
Friday:  Working on paper beads - Piece due Monday as you walk in the door

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question:  What is Contour Line?

Monday:  Watch videos to use as inspiration for upcoming assignment
Tuesday:  Begin by completing a predrawing of hands -- Discuss contour line, drawing on the right side of the brain, and perception
HW:  Complete patterns page - due Thursday
Wednesday: Demo on blind contour line drawing - Students will begin by completing blind contour line drawings working their way to 10/90 drawings
Thursday:  Continue practicing contour line - incorporate pattern into drawings
Friday:  Working on What is Art sketchbook page

January 24th - 28th

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(work by Naomi Cleary)
Essential Question:  How can you produce original Ceramic work that shows your personal voice and style?

Monday:  Working on first assignment - planning surface treatment

Tuesday: Working on first assignment - planning surface treatment

Wednesday: Working on first assignment - planning surface treatment

Thursday - Working on first assignment - due in kilnroom today

Friday: working on sketchbook page on planning surface treatment

Homework for the week:  (Due Friday) Research Ceramic artist Naomi Cleary- print an image and reflect on her surface treatments.  Reflect:  Do you like it?  Why or why not?  Do you think her surface treatment works with her pieces? Why, why not or how?

January 17th - 21st

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(Image by artist Louise Nevelson - example of assemblage sculpture)

Homework: Begin collecting found objects that you will be able to permanently add to your assemblage sculpture.  Try to choose objects that tell a little about yourself but be sure to get things that you are okay with attaching permanently to your sculpture. - you need these objects for Monday January 24th

Essential Question:  What is Sculpture? 

Monday: MLK Holiday - No School

Tuesday: Quiz over the History of Sculpture - View Power Point "What is Sculpture?" and complete worksheet along with it. 

Wednesday: Review/Discuss Aesthetic Stances - In sketchbooks, find images of sculptures that represent each element - in each image you find, name one principle that is used, trying only to use each principle once.  Student will label each sculpture as falling under the aesthetic stance that it is (emotionalism, realism, formalism)

Thursday:  Working in sketchbook

Friday:  View powerpoint "Assemblage" - discuss the process of Assemblage and the artist Louise Nevelson.  Sketchbook due today at the end of the period.

January 17th - 21st

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(Image found:

Essential Question:  How can you make Jewelry out of non-metal materials like paper?

Monday:  MLK Holiday - No School

Tuesday: Quiz over Design, Craftsmanship and paper - Planning in sketchbooks for paper beads - Due Wednesday

Wednesday:  Demo on paper beads - If Sketchbook is complete, begin making paper beads - Sketchbook for all students due today at the end of class

Thursday:  Working on paper beads

Friday:  Working on paper beads

January 17th - 21st

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May Ray example.jpg

Example of a photogtam by Man Ray



Essential Questions:  What is the difference between a Snapshot and a photograph?  What is a photogram?

Monday:  MLK Holiday - No School

Tuesday: View Powerpoint on History of Photography - Quiz on History of Photography  Finish Reading Chapter 3 and 9 - Quiz tomorrow

Wednesday:  View Powerpoint on Snapshot vs Photograph -  Quiz on Chapters 3 and 9 - Exercise - sort images into 2 piles - one pile of snapshots, one pile of photographs and discuss why each are in the specific piles. - discuss as class

Thursday:  View Power point on Photograms - Quiz on Friday - In sketchbook find examples of snapshots and photographs - 2 page spread - description of each type of work - due tomorrow

HW:  collect objects of different transparency and that have interesting positive and negative space to use for your photogram designs. - Have objects for the first day of your group in the darkroom.

Friday:  Working on sketchbook page - due today at the end of class.  Quiz on Photograms

January 17th - 21st

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(Example of an image that could represent Texture/Repetition or Line/Repetition - image gotten from

Essential Question: What are the elements and principles of art?

Monday:  MLK Holiday -- No school

Tuesday: Quiz on Elements and Principles (Chap 1 in textbook Lesson 3)  View powerpoint "What is Art?" Begin assignment - Elements Image find - students will pair up with another classmate - they will flip through magazines to find an image to represent each element of art and identify one principle within the image.

Wednesday:  Working on Image find

Thursday: Working on Image find - Due at the end of the period

Friday: Sketchbook - View powerpoint "sketchbooks"  - Mini lab - Tissue Paper - Begin working on the topic: "What is art" 

January 17th - 21st

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Overarching Essential Question:  How can you produce original Ceramic work that shows your personal voice and style?

Monday: MLK Holiday..No school

Tuesday: Working on first assignment -  due in kilnroom Jan 27th

Wednesday: Working on first assignment - decide on possible surface treatment look up glaze recipe - due Jan 31st

Thursday - Working on first assignment - decide on possible surface treatment look up glaze recipe

Friday: Working on first assignment - decide on possible surface treatment look up glaze recipe

Homework for the week:  (Due Friday) Research Ceramic artist Tom Bartel - print an image and reflect on his surface treatments.  How can you create a surface treatment that works with your piece?

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

EQ: How do sculptors solve problems in their art?  how do they make use of form while still considering space?

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Read in Principles of 3D Design text pages 1-22 - take notes for quiz on Monday.

Friday: Read about construction and Assemblage - pages 121-143 - Take notes for quiz on Monday

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

EQ: What is Sculpture?

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Read in Beginning Sculputure book about the History of Sculpture.  Pages 3-21

Take notes for quiz on Monday.

Friday: Read about construction and Assemblage - pages 121-143 - Take notes for quiz on Monday

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

EQ: What are the main elements and principles that jewerly designers use? How can you use paper to create jewelry?

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Read and Take notes on Design and Craftsmanship -

Jewerly Making A guide for Beginners Pages 24-33 skip Experimenting with Metal

The Jeweler's Art - Page 71 - 85

Quiz on Monday

Friday:  Finish reading and taking notes - View power point on paper bead making - Complete a planning page in journal for color schemes and design for paper pendant

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Discussion -- will complete a written definition and description of the topic What is art? -- will then pair up and choose 4 things that make something art -- next at tables share your 4 things with eachother and then come up with a statement of What art is.  After that, read from Arttalk textbook 5 - 15 Quiz Friday

Friday:  Quiz today on pgs 5-15

read Arttalk Pages 16 - 21 - take notes - Quiz Monday

January 5th - 7th

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Wednesday:  Discuss Syllabus - Begin research on first assignment -  Find a work or a few works of art that you like.  Decide what you want to do for the first piece.  Ideas due on Friday - images of work that inspired you, sketches of your idea and explanation.

Thursday:  Planning first assignment, see above

Friday:  Planning first assignment, see above

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

EQ: How did Photography begin?  What were some of the major events in Photography's history?

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Reading and taking notes on the History of Photography - Quiz on Monday

Friday: Finish reading and taking notes on History of Photography - Quiz on Monday 

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Lauren Powell in January 2011.

Lauren Powell: November 2010 is the previous archive.

Lauren Powell: February 2011 is the next archive.

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