Sculpture 2: January 2011 Archives

January 31st - February 4th

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Essential Question: How can you create an original assemblage?

Monday - Friday:  Working on three dimensional assemblage

January 24th - 28th

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Essential Question:  How can you produce your own original 3D assemblage sculpture?

Monday:  Begin working on assemblage sculpture- constructing the armature
Tuesday: Working on assemblage sculpture - Finishing the armature
Wednesday: Working on assemblage sculpture
Thursday: Working on assemblage sculpture
Friday: Working on assemblage sculpture

January 17th - 21st

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(Image by artist Louise Nevelson - example of assemblage sculpture)

Homework: Begin collecting found objects that you will be able to permanently add to your assemblage sculpture.  Try to choose objects that tell a little about yourself but be sure to get things that you are okay with attaching permanently to your sculpture. - you need these objects for Monday January 24th

Essential Question:  What is Sculpture? 

Monday: MLK Holiday - No School

Tuesday: Quiz over the History of Sculpture - View Power Point "What is Sculpture?" and complete worksheet along with it. 

Wednesday: Review/Discuss Aesthetic Stances - In sketchbooks, find images of sculptures that represent each element - in each image you find, name one principle that is used, trying only to use each principle once.  Student will label each sculpture as falling under the aesthetic stance that it is (emotionalism, realism, formalism)

Thursday:  Working in sketchbook

Friday:  View powerpoint "Assemblage" - discuss the process of Assemblage and the artist Louise Nevelson.  Sketchbook due today at the end of the period.

January 5th - 7th

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Welcome Back!!!

EQ: How do sculptors solve problems in their art?  how do they make use of form while still considering space?

Wednesday:  We will be discussing the Syllabus and class expectations.  Afterwards we will have a discussion of why you choose this class and what to expect.

Thursday: Read in Principles of 3D Design text pages 1-22 - take notes for quiz on Monday.

Friday: Read about construction and Assemblage - pages 121-143 - Take notes for quiz on Monday

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This page is a archive of entries in the Sculpture 2 category from January 2011.

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