Scott Carmichael: September 2008 Archives

P.E. Department Mission Statement: "Fitness For Life"

power cleans.jpg    

Student Daily Workout Record Sheet

bench.jpgClick here for a copy of the student daily workout sheet for a 4 week cycle. ( included are all lifts, sets/reps) Wt training class work out sheet 2.xls

QCC Standards Met Each Class Period:


TOPIC: Physical Fitness

1.       Standard: Participates in fitness assessment and developmentally appropriate health-related activities.

2.     Standard: Uses fitness assessment results to establish individual goals for all five health-related fitness component areas.

3.     Standard: Develops a personal fitness plan designed to attain stated fitness goals.

4.     Standard: Implements a personal fitness plan and assess outcomes following a period of training.

5.     Standard: Pursues physical activities that promote health-related fitness, relieve tension, and control weight in both school and non-school settings.

6.     Standard: Analyzes how activity participation patterns change throughout life and expresses strategies to deal with these changes.


Week By Week Plan for Semester:


(see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Week 1:

Lesson:  Fundamentals of all lifts and spotting techniques. Teacher demonstrations and student guided practice.

Week 2:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 3:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 4:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 5:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 6:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 7:

Lesson: Super Cougar Testing


Week 9:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 10:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 11:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 12:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 13:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 14:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 15:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 16:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 17:

Lesson:  Super Cougar Testing

Week 18:

Lesson:  Final Review and Exam


5 Day Plan of Activities



Lesson:  Lower Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:  Upper Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:  Lower Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:   Upper Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:   Speed & Agility Training  

  • Biomechanical Running
  • Running Ladders
  • Dot Drills
  • Speed Stairs

About this Archive

This page is a archive of recent entries written by Scott Carmichael in September 2008.

Scott Carmichael: January 2009 is the next archive.

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