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2011 Weight Training Syllabus


2011-2012 Chattahoochee High School

Physical Education Department

Weight Training

Grading Procedure


The final grade will be derived on the basis of a numerical grade with a hundred point scale.  The numerical grade will be awarded upon evaluation in three areas:


70% Participation - during aerobic, skill, and competitive activities, 100 point weekly system);

15% Skill- The average of all skills tests;

15% Final Exam



Each student's class participation will be evaluated daily through the Instructor's

professional observation of the effort exerted by each student during various class activities.  Realizing that if a student participates in the activity every day, they will show significant improvement in that activity, the grading policy heavily favors active participation. Participation points make up 60% of the student's final grade and are managed on a 100 point  system.  Failure to participate (participation includes being dressed out appropriately to do so) results in a 20 point deduction from the 100 point weekly participation grade..  Excessive absences

( > five per semester) also result in a 20 point deduction.  This deduction for absences can be removed through make-up.  A student finishing the semester with 100%  participation grade signifies that they have dressed appropriately for and engaged in class participation every day and have made up excessive absences, if applicable.


Students are expected to participate the entire period.

Inadequate effort may result in 20 point deduction.




SHORTS--GYM SHORTS ARE REQUIRED.  Shorts may be purchased through the Physical Education Department.  Shorts must be solid blue in color.  No clothes may be visible under the shorts (e.g. boxers, jams, bike shorts, etc. ) Shorts used may not have any advertising other than CHATTAHOOCHEE logo.


SHIRTS--Shirts may be purchased through the Physical Education Department. Shirts must be a solid white T-shirt with no other advertising other than CHATTAHOOCHEE logo.  It should not be ripped, torn, sleeveless or altered in any way and must extend to the shorts ( no shimmels or half-shirts ).


SWEAT PANTS OR WARM-UP PANTS--May be worn instead of gym shorts.  They may not be cut off, torn or ripped and should be in compliance with school dress code stating no advertisement of tobacco or alcohol.


SOCKS AND TENNIS SHOES--Socks must be worn and must be white.  Appropriate "tennis shoes" must be worn.  NO BLACK SOLED SHOES ALLOWED ON GYM FLOOR.


JEWELRY--For safety purposes, jewelry MUST be removed before engaging in activity.


FAILURE TO PARTICIPATE - 20 point deduction per day.  You must be dressed out to participate.


FAILURE TO DRESS OUT ACCORDING TO DRESS CODE - 20 point deduction, but may be allowed to participate.



FAILURE TO DRESS OUT WITH DOCTOR'S NOTE: Must be a licensed physician, athletic trainer or physical therapist. School athletic trainer Tangela McCorkle is acceptable. Student will be  excused up to three weeks. An alternate assignment will be given.  Over three weeks will result in withdrawal from course with no credit.



ABSENCE FROM CLASS ( Excused and Unexcused ): After the fifth absence from class, each absence will result in a 20 point deduction from the weekly participation grade.  School-sponsored absences do not count as accumulated absences.  Work missed may be made up after school.


MAKE-UP OF CLASS ABSENCES and WRITTEN WORK or SKILLS TEST: Will be scheduled by your teacher.


TARDY TO CLASS:  School tardy policy enforced.  Students must be inside locker room or classroom when tardy bell rings.


  II. SKILL GRADE - 15%  Super Cougar Tests and Fitness Gram tests.


III. Final Exam - 15%


STUDENT BEHAVIOR:  Students are expected to display appropriate behavior described in the Student Handbook. IN ADDITION, ABSOLUTELY NO CHEWING GUM OR FOOD ALLOWED IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS.  This includes all physical education areas including but not limited to: the main gym, auxiliary gym, classroom, and the weight room.  Any food or drink brought into these areas will be confiscated.  Students failing to adhere to this policy are subject to a discipline referral.


RECOVERY is an opportunity for a student to demonstrate competence and mastery of objectives.   Recovery is available to students who are failing with a cumulative grade below 70%.  A student may also request recovery for any major assignment or test that lowers his or her cumulative average by more than 10%.  In order to be eligible for recovery, a student must have completed all assigned work and demonstrate a genuine effort, including attendance.  The maximum grade a student can earn for a recovery activity is 70%.


Students are responsible for contacting the teacher concerning recovery opportunities.  Teachers will establish, at their discretion and the concurrence of the department head, a reasonable time period for recovery work to be completed during the semester.  All recovery work must be completed prior to the last 10 days of the semester.  There will be only one recovery opportunity per failed major assignment or test.






2010 Class Workout Sheet


Here is the new workout sheet for the 2010-2011 school year.

Wt training class work out sheet 10.xlsx

P.E. Department Mission Statement: "Fitness For Life"

power cleans.jpg    

Student Daily Workout Record Sheet

bench.jpgClick here for a copy of the student daily workout sheet for a 4 week cycle. ( included are all lifts, sets/reps) Wt training class work out sheet 2.xls

QCC Standards Met Each Class Period:


TOPIC: Physical Fitness

1.       Standard: Participates in fitness assessment and developmentally appropriate health-related activities.

2.     Standard: Uses fitness assessment results to establish individual goals for all five health-related fitness component areas.

3.     Standard: Develops a personal fitness plan designed to attain stated fitness goals.

4.     Standard: Implements a personal fitness plan and assess outcomes following a period of training.

5.     Standard: Pursues physical activities that promote health-related fitness, relieve tension, and control weight in both school and non-school settings.

6.     Standard: Analyzes how activity participation patterns change throughout life and expresses strategies to deal with these changes.


Week By Week Plan for Semester:


(see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Week 1:

Lesson:  Fundamentals of all lifts and spotting techniques. Teacher demonstrations and student guided practice.

Week 2:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 3:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 4:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 5:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 6:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 7:

Lesson: Super Cougar Testing


Week 9:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 10:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 11:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 12:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 13:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 14:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  3 x 3       Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 8 x 6

Week 15:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x 5      Auxiliary Lifts:  10 x 10

Week 16:

Sets/Reps:  Core Lifts:  5 x  4 x 3 x 2 x 1      Auxiliary Lifts:  12 x 12

Week 17:

Lesson:  Super Cougar Testing

Week 18:

Lesson:  Final Review and Exam


5 Day Plan of Activities



Lesson:  Lower Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:  Upper Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:  Lower Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:   Upper Body Workout   (see link for student workout sheet for actual lifts)


Lesson:   Speed & Agility Training  

  • Biomechanical Running
  • Running Ladders
  • Dot Drills
  • Speed Stairs

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