x10-11 Jewelry Design 1: March 2011 Archives

March 28th - April 1st

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cold connections example.jpg

Image from Etsy.com

Essential Question: How can you create an original unique design and make it out of metal using cold connections?

Monday - Friday: Working on cold connections metal piece

March 21st - 25th

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Essential Question: How can you create two layers of metal that work together and attach them using cold connections?

Monday:  Working on cold connections pieces

Tuesday: Working on cold connections pieces

Wednesday: Working on cold connections pieces

Thursday: Working on cold connections pieces

Friday: Working on cold connections pieces

March 14th - 18th

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Essential Question:  What are cold connections for metal jewelry?

Monday:  Finish graphing shapes - continue sketching out designs for metal - graph designs for metal
Tuesday: Demo on using jewelers saw, bench hook and clamp - begin practice
Wednesday: continue practice pieces - saw Lincoln out of a penny
Thursday:  Continue practice - work on designs - graph designs
Friday: Finish practice, designs and graphing

March 7th - 11th

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Essential Question:  What are cold connections?

Monday: Working on leather cuffs or bead weavings

Tuesday: Leather cuffs due today - when done work on bead weaving

Wednesday: Powerpoint on Cold Connections - Begin research for plans on metal cold connections piece

Thursday: Demo on cold connections - Plans in sketchbook for cold connections

Friday: Planning in sketchbook

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the x10-11 Jewelry Design 1 category from March 2011.

x10-11 Jewelry Design 1: February 2011 is the previous archive.

x10-11 Jewelry Design 1: April 2011 is the next archive.

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