What am I going to do with my life?


What am I going to do with my life?


It's a question all of us ask at some point or another, but most of us never reach an answer... mainly because there's never been an easy way to find one.


That's where we come in.  Through our unique 3i Methodology, Hob Nob helps students and professionals create a personalized blueprint for a rewarding career. 


Hob Nob Bootcamps

Hob Nob offers a full-day bootcamp for students and young professionals to find career direction. Bootcamps run from 9am to 5pm and cost $199. Hob Nob is pleased to offer some limited, complimentary slots to the PTSAs of select local high schools. Participation offers you:

·  Your values, passions, and talents hammered out through assessments, exercises, and small group discussion

·  Career/major list that intersects your VPT (Value Passion Talent) themes

·  An MBTI or DISC personality report and analysis

·  The Hob Nob curriculum workbook and "Now, Discover Your Strengths" book by Marcus Buckingham

·  Access to the free Hob Nob chapter system on college campuses

·  Certification that provides lifetime eligibility for Hob Nob internships with partner companies


Hob Nob Chapters

The premise for our chapter system is that no one individual has all the answers to

any given industry, but that we can empower people to aid in each others' journeys by creating a no-cost, peer-supportive chapter framework. We accomplish this through our Hob Nob Chapters, which help college students and young professionals discover and succeed in their dream careers.


During their involvement, Hob Nob chapter members:

• Target jobs that intersect their unique blends of values, passions, and talents

• Learn about these jobs by talking to professionals in those fields

• Experience the day-to-day lives of these jobs through internship experiences

with partnering companies.


Hob Nob Vision

Our vision is "To Be a Beacon for Life-Changing Journeys," and we hope to bring our

vision to life by spreading the Hob Nob Chapters across America from colleges to high schools-- even into the professional realm. With this reach, we aim to organize the world's talent by helping people connect with their dream careers!


For more information, visit http://www.hobnobjobs.com

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee Counseling Department published on June 10, 2009 10:00 AM.

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