The Georgia TeenWork Program


The Georgia TeenWork Program


The mission of the program is to provide Georgia youth, ages 14 to 18, valuable work experiences through summer employment opportunities. The program places youth at various work sites that include local businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies. The program is administered through the Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Family and Children Services and was originally designed to support First Lady Mary Perdue's broader goal of ensuring that Georgia's children are equipped with the tools and opportunities necessary to enable them to mature into well-balanced, healthy, and productive members of society. This initiative has expanded over the years to allow for additional leadership and mentorship opportunities for participating youth. 


TeenWork Program

This year, the Georgia TeenWork program was awarded additional funding to increase services to youth through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). This funding will allow the program to expand the target population and include youth who:

  • Reside in the state of Georgia
  • Are 14 to 18 years old by June 1, 2010
  • Live in a TANF eligible household or meets the income eligibility requirement
  • Are available to work a maximum of 35 hours a week June 1 - July 31, 2010
  • Are able to complete Job Readiness Training before starting the program
  • Participate in the Independent Living Program or the Grandparents Raising  Grandchildren (GRG) Program    

Program Goals

  1. To provide youth with hands-on, every day work experiences.
  2. To foster pride, dignity, and self worth in youth by providing meaningful training and employment opportunities.
  3. To offer youth an opportunity to gain marketable skills by providing building blocks that develop future career ethics.

Why Is Georgia TeenWork So Successful

The Georgia TeenWork Program is a resource established to help promote positive youth development. The program strives to provide a sense of independence and valuable work experience for participating youth. Through collaborations statewide with state agencies, private companies, non-profit organizations, churches and colleges, the program helps to enable Georgia's youth to succeed in the future.


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This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee High School Counseling published on April 2, 2010 1:38 PM.

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