Gerogia Perimeter Scholarship


I wanted to let you all know about new scholarship opportunities for Hispanic students with Georgia Perimeter College. Any specific questions you may have, please refer to the Director of the program, Anthony Pinder, who's information is below. These are a few of the guidelines that I am aware of:

 1)      Students MUST have at least a 2.6 GPA and maintain the GPA to receive funds.

2)      They must write a 500 word essay on their plans to continue their education AFTER GPC (i.e. TAG)

3)      They must write a statement of financial need (discourage students as identifying themselves as out-of-state)

4)      They MUST be REGESTRATION READY by June 25th.(Which means we must have 1. Application 2. Immunizations 3. Transcripts 4. COMPASS Exam Scores)

5)      Based on need, students are eligible to receive between $500-$1500 per academic year

6)      Must be a full-time student

7)      Orientation for the first cohort will be July 7th and 8th.


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This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee High School Counseling published on May 7, 2010 9:55 AM.

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