Seminar for Incoming GT Freshmen


Sigma Sigma Rho is hosting a seminar, Georgia Tech Confused Desi, for upcoming South Asian Georgia Tech freshmen on May 15th, 2010. The seminar will provide information about college life to incoming students as well as provide an opportunity for the students to begin integrating themselves into the college environment. We are expecting quite a few South Asian students from high schools all over Georgia to attend the event.

The seminar will include a section about academic life, social life, and housing. There will be speakers from many South Asian clubs and dance teams around Georgia Tech, as well as advisers from important academic areas. Campus tours will also be given. 

We would like to invite all incoming GT freshmen to this event and  would appreciate your help in informing them about the seminar. With this email we have included fliers that may be hung up around school and the website to register. It would be greatly appreciated if you let as many students as possible know about the seminar.This is a great way for GT freshmen to get excited about their new school and make academic connections early on in their college careers.

Registration and more  information about this seminar can be found at Please feel free to contact with any further questions you might have.

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This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee High School Counseling published on May 3, 2010 12:48 PM.

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