The Atlanta Association of Legal Administrator's Gene Henson Scholarship

Nominated Scholarship, Deadline: Feb 14, 2011
Each hig school can select and nominate two candidates from the senior class to the Atlanta Chapter in writing.

1. US citizen
2. The candidate must be planning to attend a 4 year college, university or specialized course of instruction within the State of Georgia, including private institutions.
3. A copy of the studnet's academic record and SAT scores are required
4.List of extracurricular activitis
5. Enumeration of community work
6. A writen essay by the candidate (500 words or less)describing his/her personal goals.
7. A written essay by the candidate ( 500 words or less)describing how he/she met personal adversity and overcame it.
8.A letter confirming that the student has been acceptd and will be attending a higher learning institution the following Fall Semester.
9. A personal interview with members of the Scholarship Program ommittee.
10. Finacial need, annual household income will be considered,
11. Students who are affiliated with members of the AALA or Association of Legal Administrators are ineligible.

Scholarship amount:.$5,000 to be paid over the course of 2 semester.

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This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee High School Counseling published on January 23, 2011 9:17 PM.

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