x10-11 Photo Design 1: September 2010 Archives

September 27th - October 1st

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Essential Question:  How do you use your pinhole camera? 

Monday:  Group A will be learning how to take pinhole photos -- practice today

Groups B, C, D will be working on thier journal prompts -- Texture:  How photographers show texture - find 2 photographers who show implied texture in their work.  Print image and reflect on how you can take photos that focus on texture.

Tuesday:  Group A - practice day

Groups B, C, D will be working on thier journal prompts

Wednesday:  Group B - will be learning how to take pinhole photos -- practice today

Groups A, C, D will be working on thier journal prompts

Thursday:  Group B - practice day

Groups A, C, D will be working on thier journal prompts

Friday:  Group C - will be learning how to take pinhole photos -- practice today

Groups A, B, D will be working on thier journal prompts

September 20th - 25th

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Essential Question:  What is a photogram?  How do you make a photogram?

Monday:  Group C in darkroom making photograms - last day  Group A, B, D are working on journal prompts, finishing camera and making sketchbook

Tuesday:  Group D has first day in darkroom today - learning rules, procedures and steps to making a photogram - Groups A, B, and C are working on journal prompts, finishing cameras and making sketchbooks

Wednesday:  Group D's day in darkroom today - making a photogram - Groups A, B, and C are working on journal prompts, finishing cameras and making sketchbooks

Thursday:  Group D's day in darkroom today - making a photogram - Groups A, B, and C are working on journal prompts, finishing cameras and making sketchbooks

Friday:  All groups need to turn in Photograms by today - Sketchbooks are due also


Photograms Powerpoint

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September 13th - 17th

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Monday:  Group B will be working learning the rules and procedures of the darkroom and the process of making photograms.  They will have Tuesday and Wednesday to create their photogram.  Groups A, C, and D are working on journal prompts, cameras and making their sketchbooks.***

Tuesday:  Group B in the darkroom - Groups A, C, and D are working on journal prompts, cameras and making their sketchbooks.***

Wednesday: Group B's last day in the darkroom to make photogram - Groups A, C, and D are working on journal prompts, cameras and making their sketchbooks.***

Thursday:  Group C will be working learning the rules and procedures of the darkroom and the process of making photograms.  They will have Friday and Monday to create their photogram.- Groups A, B, and D are working on journal prompts, cameras and making their sketchbooks.***

Friday:  Group C in the darkroom - Groups A, B, and D are working on journal prompts, cameras and making their sketchbooks.***

***If you are not working in the darkroom  your assignment is: Schedule for Photograms.doc   and Journal Prompts for Photo Design I.doc

September 6th - 10th

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Tuesday - Break into groups - discuss how the semester will go with groups - finish working on cameras, making sketchbooks and reading Photograms handout

Wednesday - begin working in groups today*       

Thursday - Continue working in groups*

Friday - Continue working in groups* - Group A's last day in darkroom  


*Wednesday - Friday -

Group A will be in photolab learning how to make photograms                                      Groups B, C, and D will be either:working on making their sketchbook or working in their sketchbook on first prompt.  See below for description of journal prompts.                                                                                        

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This page is a archive of entries in the x10-11 Photo Design 1 category from September 2010.

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x10-11 Photo Design 1: October 2010 is the next archive.

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