Sculpture 1: February 2011 Archives

February 28 - March 4th

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Essential Question: How can you create an assemblage work that is inspired by Louise Nevelson but also make it your own style?

Monday: Working on Assemblage
Tuesday: Working on Assemblage
Wednesday: Working on Assemblage
Thursday: Working on Assemblage - due today
Friday: Read about Subtractive Sculpture - Quiz Monday

HW - Due Monday:  Research a sculptor that does subtractive work - Print a couple of images that you like and write a brief  bio - bring in on Monday - This will be graded and will not be accepted late!!

February 21st - 25th

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Monday: President's Day Holiday - No school for students
Tuesday: Planning Assemblage and collecting objects
Wednesday: Begin working on Assemblage
Thursday: Working on Assemblage
Friday: Working on Assemblage

February 14th - 18th

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Essential Question: How can other sculptor's work act as an inspiration on you and your work?

Monday: Going to Lab D120 to research inspirational sculptors. Find a sculptor that inspires you and your work.  Print out a couple of images of their work and a brief bio.  Bring to class with you tomorrow to create a sketchbook page.
Tuesday:  Create a well thought out and composed two page spread on the sculptor you chose on Monday.  Include the images of their work, a brief bio of their life and reflect on the following:  What is it specifically about their work that you like?  What makes their work original and different then the other work out there that you have seen?  How can their work inspire you and what you create?  Is there anything about their work that inspires you for your upcoming assemblage piece that you will be creating? 
Wednesday: Working on sketchbook page
Thursday: Working on sketchbook page
Friday:  Have your assemblage items in class today -- working on sketchbook page (due today) and planning assemblage to begin on Monday

February 7th - 11th

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Essential Question: How can you create an original assemblage work out of found objects?

Monday: Working on paper sculptures

Tuesday: Working on paper sculptures

Wednesday: Working on paper sculptures

Thursday: Working on paper sculptures

Friday: Working on paper sculptures - due today - have items for assemblage by today


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This page is a archive of entries in the Sculpture 1 category from February 2011.

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Sculpture 1: March 2011 is the next archive.

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