Sculpture 1: March 2011 Archives

March 28th - April 1st

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Essential Question: How can you use an abstract drawing as inspiration for your plaster carving?

Monday: Carving plaster - staining wood base
Tuesday: Carving plaster - staining wood base
Wednesday: Critique - self assess work using rubric
Thursday: Working in sketchbook
Friday: Working in sketchbook

March 21st - 25th

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Essential Question:  How can you take a small part of your observational plant drawings and use it as inspiration for your plaster sculptures?

Monday: Working on plaster carvings

Tuesday: Working on plaster carvings

Wednesday: Working on plaster carvings

Thursday: Working on plaster carvings

Friday: Working on plaster carvings

March 14th - 18th

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Essential Question:  How can you create an interesting form that makes use of both positive and negative space?


Monday: Carving demo - begin mini lab - carving in soap

Tuesday: Carving soap - mixing plaster

Wednesday: Carving soap - mixing plaster

Thursday: Soap carving due - mixing plaster - plaster carving demo

Friday: Begin plaster carvings

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Sculpture 1 category from March 2011.

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Sculpture 1: April 2011 is the next archive.

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