UGA Pre-College Summer Sessions


UGA Pre-College Summer Sessions for High School Students

Our Pre-College Summer Sessions offer rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors the chance to see what college life is all about. During the two-week sessions, students will live on campus in the residence halls, experience college-level academic study, and begin developing the skills necessary to succeed at a university level. Pre-College is a wonderful chance for students to focus on high-level academics and participate in test prep and college admissions workshops, but it is also an important step in helping students build the social and interpersonal skills they will need to successfully navigate the college environment.

Summer Session students can enroll in two UGA Pre-College courses or one Intensive Option (including Pre-Med, Performance or Video Game Design). Courses meet daily for approximately 2.5 hours, and often include lectures, discussions, individual and group work, project-based assignments, and field work. All Pre-College courses are noncredit, and designed to help students rise to meet the standards of college-level work. When  not in class or studying, students will be making friends, attending campus events, participating in activities and workshops, and enjoying summertime on the UGA campus. In essence, they will be living the life of a college student - and learning to balance academic work with social obligations and co-curricular activities.

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This page contains a single entry by Chattahoochee High School Counseling published on April 23, 2010 12:36 PM.

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